I participate in a stolen mythology
This life and its circles of proponents strange to
me and I to them to such a point
Far beyond the most hesitant notions of decency
To such a point and degree that I must
enrobe myself in affections undeserved and
validations of company too decent to know
of me my worst or even generally common
Along in such company I am harbored and
appear more disposed to their presumptions
Of where in mind they delineate with words and indeed
the internal copy which from the world they form
harbors their safe confidence
In such company I dare to explore their world but
every misstep is bitter and like a fanleaf from a prodding
finger it recoils, the world and its proponents, who
sometimes are more like other artifacts or decorations
More made than making
their usefulness their chief occupation
but what am I to be
Preoccupied by
such a stranger
This life and its circles of proponents strange to
me and I to them to such a point
Far beyond the most hesitant notions of decency
To such a point and degree that I must
enrobe myself in affections undeserved and
validations of company too decent to know
of me my worst or even generally common
Along in such company I am harbored and
appear more disposed to their presumptions
Of where in mind they delineate with words and indeed
the internal copy which from the world they form
harbors their safe confidence
In such company I dare to explore their world but
every misstep is bitter and like a fanleaf from a prodding
finger it recoils, the world and its proponents, who
sometimes are more like other artifacts or decorations
More made than making
their usefulness their chief occupation
but what am I to be
Preoccupied by
such a stranger