07 November 2010

NOS: Indie Music Sampler

Itta, shot by RL Baldwin
All rights reserved by the author. Shot by RL Baldwin. Originally published in the April 2010 issue of 10 Magazine. 

The Korean indie landscape is full of familiar songs simply sung in another language. Though new and a little unusual, the music there is every bit as evocative and visceral as the beats you know and love. You may even find an opportunity to put your Korean conversation skills into practice. To that end, I present my choices for the top five most interesting Korean indie bands performing today, perfectly matched to your musical preferences.
You like ambient melodies, long songs, and psychedelic influences focused by rhythmic structure. We suggest Vidulgi Ooyoo. This female-fronted shoe-gazing band will give you the lush textures of the past woven into a modern form as spare as a Danish dining room.
www.myspace.com/vidulgiooyoo (English)
club.cyworld.com/ClubV1/Home.cy/52654743 (Korean)
You like bouncy, poppy but rebellious music with an accessible dose of rock star ego. We suggest Phonebooth. Borrowing heavily from groups such as The Libertines, this guitar-driven band will get you moving and satisfy your inner angst without sacrificing a good melody. myspace.com/myphonebooth
You like strange noises, fleeting rhythms, and atmospheric textures that would feel at home in a David Lynch film. Plus a toy accordion. We suggest Itta (image above), who is best with her other half, Japanese noise artist Marqido. Collectively called 10 (no kidding), they’ll give you as much to talk about afterwards as to listen to at the show.
myspace.com/weare10, 10rgb.com
You like accessible pop but hate cheesy music to no end. Originality’s fine, but well-done is better. We suggest Bit Gwa Soum, a Korean indie quartet evoking the Pixies and Air. Smooth, distorted guitars and gentle rock beats drive the mostly English vocals, sung so clearly I can understand the lyrics perfectly well. No “Gosship Gull” here.
myspace.com/bitgwasoum (Korean, some English)
club.cyworld.com/noisemusic (Korean)
You like beats, volume, and thumping bass, preferably in a loud, dark, smoky room. We suggest NAKION of VU Records. This innovative DJ piles on heavy layers (not just mashed-up samples) of polyrhythmic drums, polyphonic melodies, and bizarre vocal samplings to keep your brain awake while your feet stay busy.
myspace.com/naxnaxnax (English), nakion.tumblr.com

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